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GATE for Teachers and Students

Postgraduates in locations as diverse as Bulgaria, Copenhagen and Surrey are using the system in order to avoid having to write simple things like sentence splitters from scratch, and to enable visualisation and management of data. For example, a student at Imperial College developed a summarisation system based on GATE and ANNIE. (His site included the URL of his components; you could then give GATE the URL and it loaded his software over the network.) Marin Dimitrov of the University of Sofia has produced an anaphora resolution system for GATE.

Our colleagues in the Universities of Edinburgh, UMIST in Manchester, and Sussex (amongst others) have reported using previous versions of the system for teaching, and the University of Stuttgart produced a tutorial in German for the same purposes. Other recent educational users include Exeter University, Imperial College, Stuttgart University, the University of Edinburgh, Queen Mary College, and others.

Mary McGee Wood at the University of Manchester used GATE for examples and exercises in her Natural Language Engineering course.

Villanova University in the US used GATE as part of a text mining seminar in a graduate computer science class.

GATE is an ideal starting point for student projects on language analysis, as it comes with a set of Information Extraction modules that can be used as a base, and a significant number of PhD students have used GATE in their research.